Oops, a mistake was made calculating the HCF and LCM!
Divided into Prime Factors
Number should be between 2 and 500000{{f.factor}} ×
{{f}}{{e.exp}} ×
Highest Common Factor
HCF ({{ _.map(nums, 'n').join(',') }})
{{f}} ×
{{f}}{{exp}} ×
{{f.factor}} ×
{{f}}{{e.exp}} ×
Look at the prime factors in index form. See which factors are common to each number (appear in all of the rows) and take the ones with the smallest power and multiply them all together
Lowest Common Multiple
LCM ({{ _.map(nums, 'n').join(',') }})
{{f}} ×
{{f}}{{exp}} ×
{{f.factor}} ×
{{f}}{{e.exp}} ×
Look at the prime factors in index form. Take the ones with the largest power and multiply them all together. Note that these do not have to be common this time.