
Can other maths teachers I the department access the free trial?

Yes - click the button 'Manage classes and staff' and you will be able to create as many teacher accounts as you like.'

Can US schools sign up for a trial?

Not at the moment, although we are hoping to internationalise our content for other countries in the future.

Do I require any browser plugins?

You need no plugins at all to access Mathster. All that is required is that you have a modern, up to date, browser.

how do I edit the bar at the bottom on masquerade mode? Default is set to Facebook link which we can't have.awesome resource by the way!

If you go to the class that you wish to edit and click on settings you will see options to disable various features of the student bottom bar.

How do I set an assesment for another teacher from my assesments please

Next to the question select the share button and this will add it to the list of shared assessments. When your colleagues next login they will see your assessment in the shared tab.


Note that shared means only shared between colleagues in the same school and not system wide.

I currently have a free trial and I really like some of the features of Mathster. However, I am finding that when I filter by level, I have to wade through all the questions at that level. Is it possible to filter by level and topic? If not, is this likely to become possible. e.g Solving equations at level 6

After applying the level filters type in the topic or key word into the search box and you will get questions only of the level you require and of that topic.

What operating system do I need to run Mathster?

As long as you have a modern browser capable of rendering html5 then Mathster will work on any operating system.


Mathster works on Windows, Mac, Unix, Android, iOS and is fully tablet compatible.

Which browsers are recommended to run Mathster?

You can use any modern browser to run Mathster, but for the best experience we recommend FireFox or Chrome. Internet Explorer and Safari do work but ocassionally some of the functionality using these browsers may be limited.