Student Management

Can a student retrieve their username and / or password?

Mathster does not keep students email addresses for many reasons and thus if a student forgets their username and password then the teacher will have to retrive it for them To do this, go to the class page, click the ''students'' tab and then either ''list students'' to reset the students password or ''Print login details''

Can I allocate the same assessment to different classes?

Yes. Use the copy icon and select which class you want to copy it to. You can then select when you want the assessment to be available to your students.

Do I need to create all the classes in school separately.. or is there a way to import all 900 pupils with a class attached to them?

At the moment all classes need to be created separately and students are then added to each class.

We are thinking about the best way of importing whole school data and will implement this as soon as possible.

How do I add or edit students?
  • After you have created a class, go back to 'Home' (teacher desk) and click on the class you wish to add/edit students
  • Click on the tab 'Students' and choose from the options:
  1. Add (add a student using a form which requires you to give details such as name, email, login and password)
  2. Add from another class (add a student that already exists in another class)
  3. Import (follow the instructions and make sure that the file you import from Excel is saved as Comma Delineated i.e. a .csv file)
  4. List (lists all students in the class with names, emails etc…)
  5. Print Login Details (produces a printable pdf of all students with their logins and passwords)
  6. Add student with known username (adds a student which is already in another class or has been previously deleted)
How do I create a class?
  • From the home page after you login, click 'Manage Classes'
  • Name your class by clicking 'Add new class'
  • Enter the details of that class (a class name is the minimum required) and click 'Submit'
How do I transfer a student between classes without losing previous results?

The best way to move students between sets is to keep them in both the new class and the old class so scores are not lost. Be careful, if you delete that student from the old class, then their scores will be deleted too.

If you wish then to manually add those old scores into the new class for that child, go to gradebook for the new class, click 'Add', type in 'Name' (of the assessment), 'points' (total points), then select the student using the tick box and type in their 'grade' (score) and click 'submit'. The score you have entered for them will now appear in their list of test scores when you click their name. However, the scores you have entered won't appear in the class gradebook for the new class (as this would leave blanks for all other students, which doesn't look very neat).

I have just added a class. How do you setup email addresses for that class for using the messaging system?

Once the class is created then they are automatically setup in the internal messaging system. Just click messages and find the class in the recipients list.

Is it possible for the Teacher with full admin rights have access to all classes in the school, to make it easier to swap students around between teachers?

Only the teacher with rights of ''Head of Department'' can view other teachers classes. From ''Manage Classes and Teachers'' click ''show classes of'' and then select the teacher whose classes you wish to view.

Would it be possible to add a search functionality for our students. I am trying to move students around in different groups and this would be made easier if I could find them by name.

We are currently looking at adding this functionality. If all goes well then hopefully it will be added in a month or two's time.