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what is maths?

0 votes
1,026 views asked Oct 14, 2014 by Eren U a Novice (17 points)

8 Answers

0 votes

maths is when u study about numbers

answered Oct 15, 2014 by Abdelrahmane M a Novice (4 points)

maths is sequences of lettes and numbers to give an answer.

i'm afraid your wrong on that one!

+1 vote

maths will help you in life..if you dont have maths you will be like nothing..

answered Nov 18, 2014 by Ion B a Novice (4 points)

i agree with the first part but 'if you dont have maths you will be like nothing' that bit is wrong.

–3 votes

wow don't you know what is  maths 

maths is + - x / =

answered Jan 28, 2015 by Lilas A a Novice (17 points)

you are wrong maths is not just times, divide,add and minus.

+2 votes

maths is a subject at school which is a study of numbers and letters.

answered Feb 10, 2015 by Lauren S a Novice (20 points)
–1 vote

maths is a subject at school that is a study of numbers and letters

answered Feb 10, 2015 by Emily E a Novice (10 points)
+2 votes

Maths is the compilation of numbers, letters and diagrams combined to one question that has a relation in your life. It may helped your daily life but may also be an overkill at some point of maths. 

answered Feb 10, 2015 by Richard a Novice (11 points)
–1 vote

Mathematics as a formal area of teaching and learning was developed about 5,000 years ago by the Sumerians. They did this at the same time as they developed reading and writing. However, the roots of mathematics go back much more than 5,000 years.

answered Feb 23, 2015 by Daisy D a Novice (10 points)
+1 vote

math is abstract science of numbers. (and this website)

answered Nov 24, 2015 by Jake L a Novice (24 points)

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