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How do you get off review mode my work will not save

+1 vote
626 views asked Mar 24, 2015 by Lea O a Novice (7 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

your screwed mate trolololololololololololololololololololololol

answered May 12, 2015 by Martin B a Novice (27 points)
0 votes

 You work goes into review mode after you have completed all the questions or if you submit the work or if the time limit has expired.

If you missed the deadline ask your teacher if they will extend it for you.

answered Aug 12, 2015 by School S a Novice (5 points)
0 votes

i dont know

answered Sep 25, 2015 by Sapphire L a Novice (14 points)

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